LGBTQIA+ Life Coaching Blog

My child just came out…. Now what?
Contents Jump To: 1. Love them 2. Take your opinion to your own support group - not to your child 3. Be respectful of wishes and boundaries 4. This might feel confusing 5. Be your child's advocate 6. This is something to celebrate! Your child worked up the courage and...

LGBTQIA+Crafting your coming out invitation: Helpful tips for coming out to loved ones
Contents Jump To: 1. Who am I planning to tell? 2. What do I need? What might others need? 3. When do I want to do this? 4. Where do I feel best sharing this? 5. Why am I coming out? 6. How do I plan to do this, and how do I want to share my story? If you are in the...

Comprehensive Sex Ed and How it Can Support LGBTQIA+ Youth, Pt. 2
Contents This post is a continuation from a previous blog, read part 1 here! Jump To: 1. Queer representation: the good, the bad, the ugly 2. Adolescent sexuality and empowerment 3. How can comprehensive sex ed protect and empower LGBTQIA+ youth? 1. Queer...

Overcoming Addictive Behavior P2 | Resources to Help LGBTQIA+ Move Past Their Process Addictions
Contents Jump To: 1. Boundaries and limits 2. Substitution Behaviors 3. Mindfulness Skills 4. Planning for Challenges Even after years of healing from compulsive social media use, I have found myself checking my notifications nonstop the past few days. When I...

Comprehensive Sex Ed and How it Can Support LGBTQIA+ Youth, Pt. 1
Contents Jump To: 1. Intro 2. What is comprehensive sex ed? 3. The state of sex ed in America 1. Intro Sex education can seem awkward and even intimidating as a subject to broach with your loved one, especially if they are exploring their identity within the...

Why violence isn’t a cycle, and how to leave the storm
Contents Jump To: 1. What is a cyclone? 2. Stepping into the “cycle” 3. When the cycle is really a cyclone 4. How to escape the cyclone 1. What is a cyclone? A cyclone is a weather phenomena that forms when a cluster of thunderstorms over the ocean begin to...

iAmResilient: My Experience in a Mixed Orientation Marriage
Mixed Orientation or Queer Relationships have as much variety as the people on this planet, and every person, and every relationship will navigate this terrain differently. It’s another way in which you can design a life that is authentically representative of what...

iAmResilient: “Am I Queer Because of my Trauma?”
Contents Jump To: 1. Myth-busting 2. Lived Experience 3. Global Trauma and COVID-19 4. Acknowledging the Diversity of the Human Experience This question has been hotly debated within and outside of queer circles for a very long time. It’s true that many members...

LGBTQIA+ Definitions Glossary
Contents Jump To: Category 1: Gender Terms Category 2: Sexuality Terms Category 3: Relationship Models Category 4: Miscellaneous Colloquial/Cultural Terms Category 5: Oppression and Discrimination While this is by no means an exhaustive list of the many different...

iAmResilient & My Relationships Can Be Too
re·sil·ience /rəˈzilyəns/ noun the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity. When we think about resilience we are often put in the mindset of an individual. What...